Early work

Voices of the Dart

A river-long exploration combining local knowledge, climate science, data and the arts.

West Country Water Resources projects a 39 megalitre daily flow deficit for the River Dart by 2050, threatening drinking water supplies, aquatic ecosystems, and increasing pollution concentrations. As Devon’s most climate-stressed river, urgent action is needed to balance human needs with ecological health.

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Our Voices workshops in Dartmouth, Totnes, Buckfastleigh and Ashburton (spring 2022) gave local communities global, national and local data. You too can create and contribute data–be a citizen scientist! Measure water quality with Westcountry Rivers Trust (the map shows where citizens are currently active).

“I am shocked that the UK is in the global future drought scenario map.”


With first-hand input from South West Water, we designed actions we could all take together to reduce water use from 148 litres to 110 litres per person per day. BLC builds climate resilience through getting policy-makers, statutory bodies, government, NGOs, utility companies and communities to talk and design actions together.

“It gave me confidence in the work that this group is doing—people power—we are in this together.”


We shaped river clay with our hands, shared our observations and memories of the river and asked ‘If water could speak what would it say?’ BLC works with both artists and climate scientists, environmental experts and local know-how.

“I am water. I am flow. I am the bearer of life and energy. If I could have you understand one thing about my life with the Dart it would be that I am now asked to do more, even though I am less. I am starved of the oxygen I need.”

South West Water
University of Plymouth
Ione Maria Rojas
Nu Frame

Charting the flow

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“If water could speak, what would it say?”

Simon Browning - River Ecologist

Simon Browning - River Ecologist

Tim Lenton - Deep Time

Tim Lenton - Deep Time

David Patrick - Flood Group Volunteer

David Patrick - Flood Group Volunteer

John Bruun - Climate Physicist

John Bruun - Climate Physicist

Patrick Simpson - Landowner

Patrick Simpson - Landowner

Josephine Bradford - Farmer

Josephine Bradford - Farmer

Jane Barber - Manager, YHA Bellever

Jane Barber - Manager, YHA Bellever

Grant Dickinson - SWW Treatment Plant Manager, Venford

Grant Dickinson - SWW Treatment Plant Manager, Venford

Voices of the Dart

Watch this short video all about Voices of the Dart.

Voices of the Dart

Watch this short video all about Voices of the Dart.

Data on your river, the Dart Presentation

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Water Data Sharing & Resource Pack

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