Ecosystem restoration

River Charter for the Dart at Dartington

The UK's first River Charter, empowering local communities to protect and advocate for the River Dart's health, biodiversity, and accessibility.

The River Charter for the Dart at Dartington is a groundbreaking initiative that gives voice to the river and its community.

Launched in 2019, this charter represents the collective vision of over 1,250 participants who want to see the Dart "fish-able, drinkable, swim-able, paddle-able and sustainable" for generations to come.

This charter is more than just a document; it's the first step in a three-part process towards citizen-led common pool resource management. It supports the work of River Keepers and lays the foundation for a River Council to address arising issues.

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Sign the river charter

Communities along the river are invited to be part of a joined-up plan of resilience for the River Dart. Would you like to help us build a chain of Charters from source to sea to give the Dart a voice?

Sign the charter
Our charter manifesto

Our charter manifesto

We the people who live, work and play here, name ourselves as stewards of the water in our catchment. We therefore uphold the rights and responsibilities of the River Dart from Staverton Weir to Totnes Weir:

  • To be alive and to thrive so that it can give life and enjoyment to all.
  • To be clean and unpolluted so that it can enable biodiversity to flourish.
  • To flow freely from source to sea so that it can be a vital part of a healthy ecosystem.

In this place of Dartington we especially value and name as our shared assets:

  • The river’s role as a wildlife corridor for otters, birds–especially kingfishers–and fish.
  • Healthy water in sufficient quantity.
  • Trees along the banks, particularly the oaks that give the Dart its name, and the stability of their roots.
  • A cherished river that enhances our mental and physical wellbeing, provides tranquility, beauty and memories – now and for future generations.
  • Respectful, agreed access along this sacred length of the river, from Staverton Weir to Totnes Weir, where we enjoy the water, both in, on and beside it.
Create your own river charter

Create your own river charter

We believe in the power of community action to protect our precious waterways. The River Charter for the Dart at Dartington is just the beginning, and we invite you to join this movement by creating a charter for your local river or stream.

Access our comprehensive "How-to Guide" for creating your own River Charter. This resource is packed with lessons learned, best practices, and step-by-step instructions.

"This charter isn't just a document; it's a testament to our community's commitment to protecting and cherishing our waterway for generations to come. Being part of this pioneering initiative, creating the UK's first River Charter, has reinforced my belief in the power of grassroots environmental stewardship."

Jane Brady
Creative Director
River Dart Wild Church
Dartington Parish Council
Dartington Trust
Westcountry Rivers Trust

Journey of the Dart


Feb 2025

Ongoing implementationOngoing implementation

Ongoing implementation

Continuous work with local authorities, businesses, and community groups to uphold the Charter's principles and expand its impact.


Apr 2022

Educational program launchEducational program launch

Educational program launch

Introduction of school programs to teach local youth about the River Charter and their role in protecting the Dart.


Apr 2021

Expansion of the movementExpansion of the movement

Expansion of the movement

Efforts begin to inspire and support other communities in creating their own River Charters, aiming to build a network from source to sea.


Sep 2020

First anniversary celebrationFirst anniversary celebration

First anniversary celebration

Community gathers to reflect on the Charter's first year, sharing successes and planning future initiatives.


Sep 2020

Sacred water pilgrimageSacred water pilgrimage

Sacred water pilgrimage

River Dart Wild Church begins carrying the Charter in Sacred Waters Way pilgrimages, blending spiritual practice with environmental stewardship.


Apr 2020

Integration into local policyIntegration into local policy

Integration into local policy

The Charter is incorporated into Dartington's Neighbourhood Plan, ensuring its principles are considered in local decision-making processes.


Sep 2019

Charter launchCharter launch

Charter launch

The River Charter is officially unveiled at the Water Resilience Summit, marking a significant milestone in community-driven environmental protection.


Jul 2019

River science trainingRiver science training

River science training

Free river science training sessions conducted in partnership with Westcountry Rivers Trust, empowering citizens with knowledge.


Mar 2019

Community engagement beginsCommunity engagement begins

Community engagement begins

Extensive outreach efforts kick off, including knocking on over 500 doors and organizing community meetings to gather input.


Oct 2018

Inception of the ideaInception of the idea

Inception of the idea

The concept of creating a River Charter for the Dart at Dartington is born, inspired by the need for community-led river stewardship.

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