Bioregional health

Devon Doughnut

A collaborative initiative led by the Bioregional Learning Centre to co-design a Devon Doughnut, adapting Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics model to create a regenerative and just economy for the region.

The Devon Doughnut project, initiated in October 2020, brings together a diverse collective of over 170 individuals, community representatives, NGOs, academics, and councillors.

This group, known as the Devon Doughnut Collective, has contributed over £36,000 of in-kind volunteer professional time to develop a comprehensive framework for measuring and improving Devon's social and environmental wellbeing.

Key aspects of the project include:

  1. Adapting the Doughnut Economics model to Devon's unique context, considering both urban and rural areas.
  2. Establishing contextualized indicators and 'twinned thresholds' for each domain, with parallel pathways to action for policy-makers and citizens.
  3. Creating a baseline while also revealing innovative actions on human wellbeing, livelihoods, biodiversity, and climate change.
  4. Developing a framework that goes beyond sustainability to promote regenerative practices.

The Devon Doughnut has gained recognition locally, nationally, and internationally as a leading example of applying Doughnut Economics principles to a whole region. In 2021, the Collective won an international Aix-Marseille University placemaking award in the Economy Development category.

The project is structured around three key task streams:

  • Strategy: Developing a unifying process that connects different levels and sectors.
  • Metrics: Identifying keystone indicators, doughnut segments, dashboards, and scale.
  • Participation/Outreach: Focusing on communications, public programs, and widespread engagement.

The Devon Doughnut aims to provide a tool for citizens and policymakers to realistically take stock and measure change towards making Devon a more just place to live and work. It is designed to evolve and adapt as it is put into use across the region.

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Join the Devon Doughnut collective

Be part of shaping a just and sustainable future for Devon. Whether you're a citizen, policymaker, or organisation, your input is valuable in refining and implementing the Devon Doughnut.

Learn more
The doughnut model explained

The doughnut model explained

The Devon Doughnut adapts Kate Raworth's innovative economic model to our local context. It consists of two concentric rings:

  1. Social Foundation (inner ring): Represents the minimum standards for a good life, including health, education, income, and social equity.
  2. Ecological Ceiling (outer ring): Defines the environmental boundaries we must respect to maintain a healthy planet, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and air pollution.

The space between these rings - the doughnut itself - is the sweet spot where we meet the needs of all people within the means of our living planet. The Devon Doughnut helps us visualise and work towards this balanced, sustainable future for our region.

From global to local: Devon's unique approach

From global to local: Devon's unique approach

The Devon Doughnut goes beyond simply applying a global model to our region. Our approach includes:

  • Local Indicators: We've developed Devon-specific metrics for each domain, ensuring relevance to our communities.
  • Twinned Thresholds: Each indicator has parallel pathways for both policy-makers and citizens, encouraging action at all levels.
  • Regenerative Focus: We aim not just for sustainability, but for practices that actively improve our social and ecological systems.
  • Adaptive Framework: The model is designed to evolve as we learn and as circumstances change, ensuring long-term relevance and effectiveness.

By tailoring the Doughnut Economics model to Devon's unique context, we're creating a powerful tool for guiding our region towards a just and sustainable future.

"Councils across Devon have made pledges to become carbon neutral by 2030, but response to climate change is largely promoted as an issue of personal responsibility. Commitment to the systemic pathways that would get us there more consciously is lacking. To remedy this lack, the process we’re developing is a way for Devon’s citizens to better understand the relationships between domains and to co-design pathways to action.”

Jane Brady
Creative Director
Essence Social Enterprise Exeter
Plymouth Social Enterprise Network
Local Spark Torbay
Westcountry Rivers Trust
South Hams District Council

Milestones of the Devon Doughnut


Feb 2025

Project engagementProject engagement

Project engagement

The project initiated "Coffee and Doughnuts" sessions, regular meetings to co-design the Devon Doughnut and engage with the wider community.


Jan 2022

Prototype developmentPrototype development

Prototype development

The Collective worked on creating the first iteration of the Devon Doughnut, establishing contextualised indicators and 'twinned thresholds' for each domain.


Sep 2021

International recognitionInternational recognition

International recognition

The Devon Doughnut won an international Aix-Marseille University placemaking award in the Economic Development category at the 8th Place Marketing Forum event in Marseille.


Oct 2020

Project inceptionProject inception

Project inception

The Devon Doughnut Collective was convened by the Bioregional Learning Centre, starting with just 4 people.

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